Protocol oriented programming in Swift

A few months ago I wrote an article that introduced protocols as a way to delegate work to other classes. Today I will talk about how we can leverage protocols to achieve great programming design. One huge advantage of using protocols over class inheritance is that inheritance only applies to classes, while protocols can be adopted by classes, structs and enums. Starting with Swift 2, protocols can now also have extensions. That means it is now possible to define default behavior for a protocol. And since types can conform to multiple protocols, think about the benefit of defining default behaviors from multiple protocols!

Let’s start by creating a new Xcode playground, and defining a struct named Location that has a coord (x, y) property and an init() method:

struct Location {
    var coord = (0, 0)
    init (x: Int, y: Int) {
        coord.0 = x
        coord.1 = y

Let’s also create an array to hold our locations, create an example location and add it to the array:

var locations = [Location]()
var current = Location(x: 0, y: 0)

So far so good! However, if we add the example location again:


The array will store it as well, and we don’t want to have duplicate locations!

(0, 0)
(0, 0)

In order to assure uniqueness of our stored locations we need to use another data structure that has such a feature, a Set. Delete the last 4 lines and modify the locations definition like this:

var locations = Set<Location>()

You will notice there is an error saying that Location does not conform to the Hashable protocol. If you Option + click on Set you will notice its definition requires it to be of type:

Set<Element : Hashable>

Let’s make use of a protocol extension now, since we mentioned in the beginning how handy it is for such a situation:

extension Location: Hashable {

You will notice another error saying that the protocol requires property hashValue with type Int, so let’s create it inside the extension:

var hashValue: Int {
    return [coord.0.hashValue, coord.1.hashValue].hashValue

We get yet another error message. If you Option + click on Hashable, you will notice it conforms to another protocol, Equatable, and if you click on Equatable you will see that when adopting Equatable, the == operator is required to be implemented. The standard library provides implementation for != so we don’t need to deal with it. Let’s create the equality operator:

func ==(lhs: Location, rhs: Location) -> Bool {
    return lhs.coord.0 == rhs.coord.0 && lhs.coord.1 == rhs.coord.1

Great! All the errors have gone away now. Let’s see how the Set will help us store unique locations. We already have an example location created, so let’s just add it. Then increment the Y coordinate, and add the modified location twice. Finally also decrement the X location and add it twice as well:

current.coord.1 += 1
current.coord.0 -= 1

Now let’s print out Locations and see what we got stored in there:


As expected, instead of seeing duplicates, we only have the 3 locations we’re supposed to have:

(0, 0)
(-1, 1)
(0, 1)

This is only a basic example of the power that protocol extensions have in Swift programming. You noticed how value types can have behaviors added to them by default, or when needed. The project source code is posted on Github, as usual.

Until next time!