Using the Interface Builder in Xcode

In this article I am going to talk about the Interface Builder and its main features that iOS developers use to design the user interface in their apps. A user interface file has either a .storyboard or .xib file extension. A xib file usually specifies one view controller or menu bar. A storyboard can have more view controllers and segues between those view controllers. By selecting the user interface file in the project navigator, the file’s contents open in Interface Builder in the editor area of the workspace window.

1. Auto Layout

Let’s start by creating a UIView that extends between the left and right margins of the screen and that it also edges the top of the screen, and for fun just give it a blue background. Below, create a UIButton that has the height 44 and which also extends between the left and right margins of the screen but this time it edges the bottom of the screen.

Create three constraints for each the view and the button, all with value 0 for the margins they’re extending to, one constraint for the button height, and one more 0 vertical spacing constraint between the view and the button as showed below:

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Run the project on various simulator sizes and orientations, and notice how the uiview and button are both filling the screen, while the button is maintaining its height. This is basic Auto Layout in action. You can also see various screen sizes and orientations, without having to run the app, by using the Preview mode of the storyboard which can be chosen by switching to the Show the Assistant editor mode:

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2. Stack Views

Let’s add two more buttons aligned horizontally with the initial button. First, remove all the button constraints except the one for height, as we will not need them anymore. Then drag the right margin of the button to shorten its width to about a quarter of its size. To clone this button, simply press and hold the Option key while dragging the button next to itself, thus creating another one with the same size. Repeat once more for the third button:

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Next, we want them to all have equal widths so they can fill the screen horizontally. We could just create constraints for each of them to match the width of the others, or we can use the new tool in iOS 9, the Stack View. Press and hold the Command key while selecting all the buttons, one at a time. With all the buttons selected, click the first icon (of the four) named Stack, which is located in the right bottom corner of the storyboard. Voila! The buttons are all stacked now and we do not need to arrange them in any way anymore.

You will notice the buttons are neither equally spaced in the new stack, nor are they filling the view horizontally. To fix this, let’s select both the UIView and the UIStackView so we can stack them again as explained above. This time it will be a vertical stack view. Once created, select it. In Attributes Inspector choose Fill in the Alignment field. This will ensure the view will fill all the vertical space except the 44 pixel points taken by the button. Next, with the first (horizontal) stack view selected, in the Attributes Inspector choose Fill Equally in the Distribution field:

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All we are left to do now is set constraints for the two stack views. Instead of creating all the constraints manually, we can easily let the Interface Builder do it for us by selecting the rightmost icon this time, named Resolve Auto Layout Issues, and by choosing Add Missing Constraints under All Views in View Controller. Now we are all set with a stacked view that has Auto Layout working for all simulator sizes and orientations:

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3. IBDesignable and IBInspectable

What if we were able to see in real time the effect of the changes we’re making in storyboard and in code? Good news, this is possible by using IBDesignable and IBInspectable. I will talk about them in a part two of this article.

Until next time!